EChange.02 – Change through Exchange

The project creates an exchange between young people between 18 and 28 years from Eswatini, Germany, Ghana, Kenya and Zambia who want to become active for the priorities of the Africa-EU partnership (as part of the ‘International Cooperation’ component of ET2020), especially for the priority areas ‘Investing in people’ and ‘Strengthening resilience, peace, security and governance’.
The aims for the project are:
  • To facilitate and empower youth participants to contribute to positively bring about peace, security, and strengthened resilience of societies in Africa and Europe enabled by participatory and responsible governance.
  • To empower Participating Institutions to contribute to the above aim through youth work.
  • To enable sustainable connections and joint action among youth from Africa and Europe.
  • To strengthen the capacities of Participating Organisations, their cooperation within the consortium and their connections with other youth organisations and agents for future joint activities.



Research Focus:

  • Education / Skills / Capacity Building
  • Mobility
  • Peace and Security
  • Social Sciences


Germany (Bavaria), Swaziland, Ghana, Kenya, Zambia

Funding Agency:

European Union (EU)