
TUM-CU Program for Non-Destructive Testing of Cultural Heritage

The TUM-CU Program for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Cultural Heritage was initiated by the Chair of Non-Destructive Testing at the TU Munich and the Faculty of Engineering at Cairo University. The project's aim is the development of expertise and the skill transfer from the German team to the Egyptian team in the field of non-destructive testing of objects of cultural heritage.
Both partners were able to work together successfully in a previous DAAD project “Deutsch-Ägyptische Fortschrittspartnerschaft: Kurzmaßnahmen” which laid the foundation for this project. Based on the trust and partnership built during the short term measurements called “Non-Destructive Techniques for the Preservation of Egyptian Cultural Heritage” (see here), they could deepen their collaboration and implement a long term exchange of skills and knowledge.



Supported by BayFOR:

Research Focus:

  • Culture / Languages / Arts
  • Technology

Project Coordination:

Technical University of Munich

Project Partner:

Cairo University


Germany (Bavaria), Egypt

Funding Agency:

German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD)


- 31/12/2023