
UPSCALE – Upscaling the Benefits Of Push-Pull Technology For Sustainable Agricultural Intensification In East Africa

UPSCALE aims to take key steps to realize the transformative potential of push-pull technology, to address food security, livelihoods and climate change resilience in the sub-Saharan region of East Africa, while reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices. For this, it fosters the design, adaptation and adoption of strategies for integrated agro-ecological management based on push-pull technology for wide-spread and climate-resilient sustainable intensification.



Research Focus:

  • Agriculture / Fisheries / Bioeconomy
  • Food / Nutrition

Project Coordination:

Leibniz University Hannover

Project Partner:

Bavarian Research Alliance
Eastern Africa Farmer’s Federation Society
Food for the Hungry
icipe – International Center for Insect Physiology and Ecology
Institute for Sustainable Development
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
Maseno University
National Agricultural Research Organization
Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board
Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute
University of KwaZulu-Natal


Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, United Republic Of, Germany (Bavaria), South Africa

Funding Agency:

European Union

Funding Type:



- 31/10/2025