CHIDA – Inclusive Urban Development in Africa: Designing Nature-Based Solutions and Enhancing Citizenship to Mitigate Hazards and Livelihood Risks

Cities in sub-Saharan Africa are undergoing dynamic transformation processes and face a series of challenges. The CHIDA project is investigating these challenges using the nature-based solutions (NbS) approach. The international project consortium focuses on the interrelationships between NbS (especially urban green infrastructure - GI), civic engagement, livelihoods and food security. The project uses the example of four cities in Malawi and South Africa to investigate the resulting potential to effectively counter the threats and risks of urban living environments.



Research Focus:

  • Food / Nutrition
  • Governance
  • Social Sciences
  • Urban Development / Cities


Germany (Bavaria), Malawi, South Africa

Funding Agency:

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)