Convergence – Integrated Forest, Water, Prosperity Project Tunisia

Climate change is causing changes in rainfall patterns and thus water balance worldwide. By the end of the century, the Mediterranean will be significantly drier during all seasons. More unfavorable precipitation distributions will lead to more frequent to long dry periods and flash floods.
The Convergence project aims to investigate whether these effects can be counteracted by targeted reforestation supported by reuse of municipal wastewater. It is assumed that forested areas significantly influence their rainfall regime and the local landscape’s water balance. The global rainforests, for example, produce most of their daily precipitation themselves. Deforestation, on the other hand, can turn fertile landscapes into deserts or steppes.
The project aims to characterize the scientific, geographic-climatic (climate change), technical as well as socio-economic basis in Tunisia to carry out a partnership-based reforestation to influence the water balance of the region in a sustainable way.



Research Focus:

  • Climate
  • Environment / Natural Resources / Biodiversity
  • Water / Sanitation / Hydrology


Germany (Bavaria), Tunisia