
IVAC – International Virtual Academic Collaboration

The recent geopolitical and economic uncertainty has exacerbated the supply chain crisis by exerting pressure on the already rising energy and fuel costs, which are essential for logistics. These challenges provide an opportunity to understand and address them in novel ways: The goal of the DAAD funded International Virtual Academic Collaboration-Project GIPS4VC is to establish a global supply chain network between UWC, representing a Supplier, and HNU as a Manufacturer for project-based virtual learning within 2023. Based on Industry 4.0 simulations and using Fischertechnik Industry 4.0 learning factories and IoT devices, we provide the courses E-Logistics (UWC) and Digital Supply Chain Management (HNU), an Industry-like framework for practice-oriented skills development with technical, methodical, social, and personal competences.



Supported by BayFOR:

Research Focus:

  • Digitalisation / ICT / AI

Project Coordination:

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Project Partner:


Germany (Bavaria), South Africa


- 31/12/2023