
PROCEED – Mini-Grid Technology Research

The path to a sustainable energy supply for remote energy supply for remote areas of Namibia Subproject: Mini-Grid Technology Research.
In Namibia, more than half of the rural population has no access to electricity. In large parts of the country, connecting households to the national electricity grid is neither technically nor economically feasible. This lack of access to electricity remains one of the major obstacles to poverty reduction and industrialization efforts. The German-Namibian collaborative project PROCEED is investigating options for an efficient, sustainable and renewable energy-based power supply in Namibia via so-called island grids. Already now, off-grid hybrid systems - consisting of renewable power sources, a battery system and fossil-fueled backup generators - are available for energy supply in Namibia. backup generators - are available for energy supply. Despite falling costs the majority of society in rural areas of Namibia cannot afford electricity from these systems  



Research Focus:

  • Energy

Project Coordination:

THI – Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt

Project Partner:

Alensy – Energy Solutions
Central North Regional Electricity Distributor
Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia
Namibia University of Science and Technology
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Renewable Energy Industry Association of Namibia
SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
University of Bayreuth


Namibia, Germany (Bavaria)

Funding Type:
